Kubuntu is awesome

I work in a computer lab at a public school. It has 18 working computers, and it took me 2 days upgrading from XP to Windows 7. I wasn't able clone the hard drives because each computer had parts replaced (video cards, sound cards and motherboards).

The Education Department of my country is pushing Ubuntu in every school. Personally, I don't like Ubuntu, because it seems so buggy and somehow confusing for first time Linux users. However I strongly support the idea of teaching students about Linux. Linux is powerful, free and useful, and the flavor I chose was Kubuntu.

Why Kubuntu?

Well I love Kubuntu. It is beautiful and the most stable KDE distro. Everything looks so good on Kubuntu, even LibreOffice. I know, a personal choice but there's more to that. The switch from Windows to Kubuntu Linux is less heavy on students who never had used a computer in their entire life, and that's why I want them to use Linux, because no one else will teach them how to use Linux and why it is important to know how to use it.

I've fallen in love again with Kubuntu, I forgot how awesome it really is. It is the perfect Linux distro for the school and for people that never used a computer. The only thing that bugs me is that I must have access to internet in order to download new applications. I tried downloading .deb packages at home but when I went back to the school, it said that it couldn't be installed.

Show the love for Kubuntu in a comment!


Unknown said...

I love that too.
You may copy below folders to have all your deb packages copied from one debian based installation to other:
You may tar them preserving permissions, copy tar files to a flash disk and untar them in destination. Do that as root.
Sorry if paths have spell mistakes. Im commenting from my cellphone.
Good luck;-)

Unknown said...

Glad to hear it. I've been using Mint KDE LTS for about six years, which is based on Kubuntu LTS . It truly is the best. Cheers.

Unknown said...

I install Kubuntu on all my friends' computers and they love it too. Ubuntu is too rigid in its UI and lacks discoverability in its Start menu, which is strange to me.

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