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iPad 2
Palm Lifedrive
Using an iPad 2
So I just got an iPad 2 and so far looks wonderful. It is a neat blogging device, kinda expensive, however that's what it is. I downloaded the Photoshop Express, which is a simple image editor, yet powerful if you know how to use it.
I need to get me a wireless keyboard if I want to do serious blogging. This little thing reminds me of my old Palm Lifedrive. Useful, yet useless. Unless your job requires you to stay connected to the Internet, I would not recommend it. Sure, it is fun to use it for video calls, but if you bought it because it looked cool, it will be collecting dust in a corner in few months. Since I write articles for Oriente Al Dia, this iPad is the perfect tool for the job. I don't want to carry my laptop around and I really don't want to be carrying my windows tablet around anymore. Besides that, I no longer want to use my laptop to do job-related tasks. Since I got Office365, I can install all Office Apps on my iPad 2, and with the combination of the wireless keyboard, I can perform anything my bosses ask me to do from my iPad.
A cheap netbook could do the job, however I find the iPad ecosystem more appealing. The majority of apps are free and there are some really useful out there that I believe I can use. Do I recommend an iPad? No. It is a personal choice and I would not recommend it as a computer replacement. Think of an iPad as a computer companion. You read that right.
Overall it is fast, and beautiful. No freezes so far and best of all, low power consumption.
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