Over the last couple of years, we have been developing PiGo, a lightweight and low cost Learning Management System. Our goal is to deliver a product that is easy to use. The idea behind this project is pretty simple: Take social networking components, e-learning tools, mix them together and create a fully fledged social e-learning platform for schools, colleges and private institutions that need a virtual learning environment.
What is the current status of PiGo LMS?
Ready for production. That simple. Over the years, the platform has been deployed in a local public school that needed a better way to evaluate the progress of enrolled students. In the past, such evaluations were done in paper, but it had its limitations, such as each test had to be graded individually and the amount of paper and ink used to print the 20 pages of each test. Even though the school tried to implement Moodle, it didn't work as expected. Teachers and students found Moodle complicated to use, and it was dropped after three months.
Due to the integration of social networking components, PiGo provides an intuitive user interface that it is not bloated nor complicated. PiGo provides a better module management for teachers. The teachers of the school where we deployed PiGo LMS complained about the way Moodle nest each module of a class, and also how difficult it was to upload documents to a class. In PiGo, each classroom has a Dashboard that displays in a graphical way the components available for each class, so teachers and students can easily find a document, a homework, a quiz or a test without problems.
There are more things that I want to share about this neat project. Stay tuned for more updates!
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