Running Symfony in Orange Pi PC

I've been trying to find information about running Symfony on small single-board computers, such as OrangePi or Raspberry Pi, because why not? I already have an Orange Pi PC which I use to watch Youtube (Android OS), and I can use it to learn how to set up a web server.

The only information about Symfony and hardware requirements I could find was this one:

That was a good place to start. User Joe Yahchouchi mentioned that an application built with Symfony can run with at least 512 MB of RAM, and at least a Quad core for multiple users. I ordered a case for the Orange Pi, and I bought a cheap 8 GB MicroSDHC (Class 4).

After spending three hours setting everything up, voilà!! Symfony 3.4 was up and running better than I anticipated. I ran both dev and prod enviroment, and it was very fast. The custom application I've been developing for the past six months ran without issues on the Orange Pi, which I did not expect since my local development environment with XAMPP was painfully slow at times.

Later this month I will write a step-by-step guide(both Spanish and English) on how to make an Orange Pi web server to run any Symfony Application. In the meantime, check out some pics I took while testing the web server:

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