I quit elgg, and you should too!
After spending almost a decade doing themes and plugins for elgg, the time has come to pull the plug. Elgg is dead because so many breaking changes from one version to another, it becomes harder and harder to maintain. For example, updating a 2.x theme is a pain. So many libraries being deprecated, and there isn't a proper guide on how to make a theme or upgrade an existing one. Just take a look at the "2.x to 3.x Upgrade Guide", it is a nightmare:
The elgg development team doesn't offer a way to migrate your code. Let's look at the elgg_load_library, there isn't an alternative for that. Even the elgg community is not willing to give a proper migration guide:
As much as I want to upgrade my latest plugins and themes, the lack of proper development documentation has forced me to completely abandon elgg. Not only that, there are no new plugins being created, just the same users upgrading their old plugins. Elgg has stagnated and it is dead. If you think of using elgg for a project or startup think again, you will face issues that no one knows or is willing to help you.
It was a nice ride, not going to lie. It is a shame to witness the death of a beloved framework.
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