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Facebook Timeline: Yep, we are gonna have it
So, I woke up yesterday, thinking I was gonna have a blast. However as soon as I opened my facebook, I realized I was wrong. Facebook Timeline activated itself... And there's no turning back... It will be the same for all, starting August 22, 2012...
It seems to me that facebook is taking the wrong direction in this whole Timeline thing. May be Facebook is acting according to its investors. Maybe. Seriously take a look at this:
Even if I hide the activity from those years, anyone will be able to see how many years I've been active on facebook. That's a huge privacy issue, and yet no one is complaining. Facebook is doing whatever it wants, without listening to their users. We are the ones who make Facebook earn millions every day, they should at least listen to us, don't you think?
Facebook should learn from Google. Facebook is making the very same mistakes Google did when acquired Orkut and developed Google Plus. Facebook is not listening and enforcing weird changes that only benefits them.
Even though I had a great time looking at Facebook posts from 2006, I didn't had a great time hiding those posts. It was so frustrating and bored. But, why is facebook enforcing timeline? Easy, they need a better way to filter and access your favorite movies, tv shows, bands. They need kind of information filtered so that Facebook can sell more advertisement, at a higher price (since they know the tastes of almost every person in the world) The new Facebook API will let developers access your entire timeline, unless you don't allow it. Think about it, now when you connect again with any web application with facebook, that application will have access to your timeline, your entire timeline.
Will people leave Facebook? Is facebook too big to fail? Will Facebook become like Hi5 or MySpace? Will Facebook ever listen to us?
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